Center for
Community-Based Program
Every aspect of our work conforms to the highest level of quality, proficiency, and professionalism. Services include but are not limited to:

Our high-impact prevention programs create a seamless process for HIV prevention, care and treatment among HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM), high-risk negative (HRN) African-American MSM and heterosexual women in the Jackson, MS, metropolitan statistical area and surrounding counties. In the long term, these programs will reduce HIV transmissions, increase the number of HIV-positive persons with a suppressed viral load, connect partners of people living with HIV (PLWH) to testing; increase access and use of PrEP and nPEP, increase access to care and improved health outcomes, and increase the number of HIV-positive and HRN persons who use condoms consistently and correctly. Two prevention programs in particular are working toward these goals: I Combat AIDS Now! (iCAN) And Supportive Healthy Youth (SHY).
The iCAN project reduces new HIV infections, increases access to care, and promotes health equity among HIV-positive African-American MSM and HRN African-American MSM and heterosexual women, ages 18-60, in the Jackson area. To achieve this goal, the program offers the following services:
Rapid HIV Testing
Free Condom Distribution
Linkages for HIV-positive individuals to HIV care and treatment through ARTAS (Anti-Retroviral Treatment and Access to Services)
Comprehensive HIV Prevention Interventions for HIV-negative Persons at High Risk
CLEAR (Choosing Life: Empowerment! Action! Results!) health promotion intervention for individuals living with HIV/AIDS
Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections
Referrals to HIV Prevention and Essential Support Services
Personalized Cognitive Counseling
The SHY project increases awareness and use of HIV prevention services for young, African-American MSM, ages 13-29; and their partners regardless of age, gender, and ethnicity. The program increases the number of HIV-positive young African-American MSM and their partners who are aware of their HIV infection and link newly diagnosed persons to care and treatment. To achieve these goals, the program offers the following services:
Rapid HIV Testing
Free Condom Distribution
Comprehensive HIV Prevention for HIV-positive Persons
Linkages for HIV-positive individuals to HIV medical care within 30 days of recent diagnosis, or get them re-engaged in care
Referrals to Partner Services for HIV-positive persons of color
High-impact Prevention behavioral interventions, such as Healthy Relationships, that reduce sexual or drug-related risks
Prevention and essential support services through Patient Navigators to HIV-positive persons, such as Partnership for Health, for medication adherence and safer sex services
Personalized Cognitive Counseling
My Brother’s Keeper, Inc. provides support and training services in fiscal, program, and organizational management through skills building trainings, workshops, and conference activities. All training services (except conference activities) include a tailored curriculum and 3 months of technical assistance services related to the training outcomes.
Curriculum Development/Training Description
MBK uses a streamlined process for creating or modifying curriculums/textbooks using context and background from various subjects. Products include, but are not limited to: PowerPoint presentations, activities, and assessments. In addition, curriculums/textbooks can be developed and aligned to any standard, including general education outcomes and manufacturing standards. Curriculums/textbooks are developed based on the following:
• Subject Matter
• Course Sequence
• Course Goal, Objectives, and Outcomes
Fiscal Management
Strong financial management practices are rarely part of an organization’s mission statement and yet they are integral to its ability to achieve that mission in a sustainable way. Thus, MBK offers fiscal management services to community- and faith-based organizations, health departments, and colleges and universities who may face opposition due to slow payment systems, lack of financial stability, or lack of organizational infrastructure. MBK’s fiscal services include budget development and reporting, utility billing, accounts payable to contractors (grantees) and subcontractors, payroll, development of internal control systems and financial policies and procedures.